Important Information for March 2025

Image of heart with healthy foods inside it

Here are some dates you may wish to recognize in March: 

  • March 8: International Women’s Day 
  • March 21: World Down Syndrome Day 
  • March 21: International Day for the Elimination of Racial Discrimination 
  • March 31: International Transgender Day of Visibility 

Important dates 

For elementary and junior high: Please note that Friday, March 7 is an Assessment & Evaluation Day. There are no classes on this date for elementary and junior high students.  

March Break: Please note that all HRCE schools will be closed for March Break – March 10 to 14.  


March is Nutrition Month 

Did you know? March is Nutrition Month! This year’s theme, Nourish to Flourish, highlights the important role that food has on our physical, mental and emotional health and well-being.  

Whether it’s planting an indoor or outdoor garden, cooking together with family, or enjoying a meal with friends, food provides opportunities for building social connections that can support improved feelings of belonging and overall well-being. This is a great time to explore and learn about food. An important part of this is food literacy, which includes having the knowledge and skills to grow, choose, prepare, and talk about food.   


School Bus Safety Reminder 

More than 33,000 HRCE students take the school bus. Making sure they have a safe and happy trip to and from school is very important to us. Please talk with your child about school bus safety on a regular basis. Students should tell their bus driver and/or school principal if they have any problems. 

Here are some important safety tips: 

Bus Stop Safety 

  • Be on time for the bus. Don't run to or from the bus. 
  • Stand back when the bus arrives and give everyone space. Get on or off the bus one at a time. 
  • Always cross the road in front of the bus. Walk to a spot where you can see the driver. When they signal it’s safe, walk to the middle of the road. STOP, LOOK, and LISTEN, then cross when it’s safe. 
  • Never crawl under the bus or cross the road from behind it. 

School Bus Safety 

  • Respect and listen to the driver. Their job is to focus on the road, so avoid distracting them. 
  • Respect others and your space. 
  • Keep noise levels down. 
  • Stay seated while the bus is moving. 
  • Keep your arms, legs, and head inside the bus. 
  • Do not throw anything inside or outside the bus. 
  • Keep the aisle clear. 


Did you know: It's illegal for drivers to pass a school bus when it has stopped with its red lights flashing. Bus drivers will activate their amber lights 150m before they stop as a warning to motorists.   


More information about HRCE student transportation and school bus safety can be found here.